Coqualeetza News!! 


Halq'emeylem Words

Ts’í :ylh ye Mestíxw - The Peoples Prayer

Maythóx kw’els sela:we = Help me that I am humble

Õ éy siyam syewa:lalh = Oh Good great ancestors

Maythóx kw’els xw é éywelh = Help me that I am good

Iwesthox kw’els th’i:yelh = Teach me, that I pray

Ew étal slheqelexw = I don’t know anything

Hákw’elesthóx, th’lhamethóx  = Remember me, hear me

Maythóx kew’els kw’óm kw’em  =  Help me that I am a strong person

Xólhemet mekw’wat qas te mekw’stam  =  Protect everyone and everything

Kw’as hóy talhwelep qas te siyam siyewa:lalh =

Mekw’ tel sq’eq’ó = All my relations.


Go out and support your local Elder's as they fundraise for their annual outings.

 Thank you to the people and the ancestors